Monday, February 18, 2019

Random Thoughts

How to Become Happy-er

Remember when we were children?  It was so easy to find ways to be happy. In fact we don't find happiness at all, they just come...and they're often.

Now that we're adults, the opportunity to be HAPPY is getting scarce.

Here's 10 tips on how to be HAPPY- er.

1. Sleep 6 to 8 hours a day. Of course we all know this already! And so,  why are we growing feathers and eyes getting wider.  Did I hear you hoot last night? Figure it out and DO something about it.

2. Eat.   Please. No one is going to do this for you.

3. Smile soon as you wake up.  Yes,  plaster that fake smile on your face for a good 5 mins.  Just do it.

4. Plant. If it dies? Plant again. If it dies again. Buy an artificial plant. Don't give up.

5. Drink warm water in lieu of coffee.  Okay, if you don't have any medical issues that forbids you to drink coffee, by all mean gulp it.

6. Deactivate Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest.  Studies show that these social media platforms has been a major source of depression especially for women.  It's a venue where most would feel inadequate and insecure. Keep in touch with your real friends instead and enjoy them in real life.

7.Write on your Journal. Write about your fears and worries. I always see how overly emotional I am when I read what I write then I get to correct how I feel.

8. Believe that God is real and he loves you. 

9. And if everything else fails? Get a DOG .  Sometimes we are not aware that what we really want,  is someone to accept us as we are  and love us  unconditionally.

10. Lastly, don't take things too seriously.  Life on earth is temporary and no one comes out alive.. We're all gonna leave all these things that we worry too much about. 

Breathe..Take it easy. Smile.  Everything happens for a reason. And in most cases those reasons are good for us. 


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